Everyone knows that becoming an architect translates to a lot of time in front of a computer screen, or on-site or in the model shop—or waiting for renders to finish. But we also know that being a good architect is about much more; truly savvy architects and really thoughtful projects often spring from strong theoretical, philosophical or practical trains of thought (and they are not always directly inspired by architecture itself!).
Has there been a book that changed the way you thought about your design work? Has a book ever helped you think through a problem that had plagued you for an extended period of time? What book do you tend to refer to every few months, no matter what? What book do you recommend to anyone who will listen, and why?
There are certainly the list of the classics—the canon, if you will—that you can find on any university's introductory course's syllabus. But there's so much more to consider, especially as the profession opens itself to meaningful cross-disciplinary collaborations. If you had to make a prediction, which books will become the indispensable architecture texts of our time? Will they be written by architects or even about architecture?
In order to gain some insight into the fascinating world of the books that our peers are consulting, we are asking our readers to share the books that have most impacted their careers in architecture. Our plan is to collect the responses in a future article.
Write to us in the comment section below or use the hashtag #booksforarchdailyers on Twitter and Instagram to let us know about the books you love.